Parents Teacher Meetings

Parents Teacher Meetings Information

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The school encourage parents to maintain a close report with teachers. Many opportunities are planned for meaningful interaction between the school faculty and the parents .
1. PTMs have been scheduled at regular intervals in the school Calendar/Student Almanac. Each parent shall be notified a specific time slot for meeting the concerned teachers. Parental Attendance in the PTMs is considered obligatory to partner in the child's progress.
2. Parent can also meet the teachers during the "Walk-ins" they are scheduled on the 1st working Satrurday of every month between 9am-10am.
3. Besides these, the parents can communicate with teachers through the student Almanac or seek prior appointment.
4. Parents are requested not to go directly to the class to meet the teachers.
5. Parents are welcomed to send e-mails or call the school reception for any query or concern.
6. Kindly refrain from interacting with teacher regarding academic issues during dispersal time. Please ask the reception to scheduled proper appointment with the concerned teacher.